A Future for the World's Children

A WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission, made up of leading child health experts from around the world, has produced a landmark report on child health and well-being, entitled A future for the world’s children? 

This report repositions every aspect of child health through the lens of our rapidly changing climate and other existential threats to children; proposes novel solutions; and calls for urgent action. 

Progress on indicators of child health and well-being is currently stalled across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but can be jump-started with the right focus, leadership, involvement, policies and investment. 








Key messages

  1. The health and rights of all children and adolescents are under threat. Some of the most pressing harms include a rapidly changing climate, mass commercial marketing of harmful products like sugar, fast food, tobacco and alcohol, and growing inequities. 

  1. When we invest in children, we invest in the future. Investing in a child’s health, development and their environment bring benefits throughout life, and across generations. 

  1. We call on governments, civil society, communities and young people around the world to join a global movement that puts child and adolescent health at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals. Threats to their health and well-being must be addressed, ensuring no child is left behind. 

  1. Strong, unified action today – including stopping greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible - is the only way to promote children’s healthy growth and development and protect their rights. 

  1. A global movement for children cannot take place without them at the heart. Children and youth must be invited into discussions, meaningfully engaged, and their views respected as key stakeholders in decision making and policies that affect their health and their futures. 





A new movement for children

We need immediate action to address threats to children's health through effective policies that ensure children’s health, well-being and their futures. There’s no time to lose. Children’s health and lives are under threat.

We invite the media; governments; policymakers; international and regional organizations; civil society; health practitioners such as pediatricians and others; parents; schools, teachers and academics; and the private sector to participate in global and national events.











A future for the worlds children - the numbers that count

For children

A future for the world's children? Two dozen key numbers

For stakeholders


Policy brief

Image of the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission policy brief "Putting children at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals".

All countries agreed on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, yet five years later, 250 million children are still at risk of not meeting...

Policy brief

Image of the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission policy brief "Measuring children's well-being: the Child Flourishing and Futures Index".

Global warming is worsening crises of conflict and migration of which children are primary victims – globally, half of refugees today are under age...

Policy brief

Image of the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission policy brief "Protecting children from harmful marketing practices".

Commercial marketing targets children and their caregivers to sell products that are often harmful to children’s health and well-being, such as alcohol,...

Questions and answers

One dozen questions and answers cover

In this document you will find a dozen questions and answers on threats to child health and well-being. 




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