Global Malaria Programme
The WHO Global Malaria Programme (GMP) is responsible for coordinating WHO's global efforts to control and eliminate malaria. Its work is guided by the "Global technical strategy for malaria 2016–2030" adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2015 and updated in 2021.

DHIS2-based entomology and vector control data collection and collation tools

What are the DHIS2 modules for entomology and vector control?

The DHIS2 standard modules for entomology and vector control have been developed to support countries to improve the collection and use of entomological and vector control interventions data and its use to inform programmatic decisions.

They are the results of the collaboration between WHO, its collaborating partners and Members States.

The modules contain a set of standard data collection forms, automatically calculated indicators, data visualizations and thematic dashboards that allow to collect, visualize and interpret data from the following activities in line with WHO recommendations:

  • insecticide treated nets (ITNs) mass distribution campaigns and bioefficacy monitoring;
  • indoor residual spraying (IRS) campaigns and residual efficacy monitoring, 
  • insecticide resistance monitoring;
  • adult mosquito surveillance and identification, including the collection of individual mosquito data; and
  • larval source monitoring and management.

With these modules, countries can:

  • collect data from the field, insectaries or laboratories, using mobile phones, tables or computers, online and offline, and geolocated;
  • integrate entomological and vector control data with epidemiological data and other types of relevant data (e.g. climatological data, stock data);
  • calculate standard entomological indicators automatically; and
  • develop custom visualizations (tables, graphs and maps) and dashboard to inform specific needs.
The modules are constantly improved to better meet country-specific needs and expanded to include new procedures and methods for entomological surveillance and the monitoring of vector control interventions.

WHO DHIS2 standard modules for entomology and vector control


Implementation support tools

WHO is working in collaboration with partners to support to countries implement the modules. To facilitate implementation, WHO has developed multiple tools:

  • to customize the modules to country needs (D2-docker);
  • to facilitate installation of the modules (MetaData Sync App);
  • to help countries build capacity for the use of the modules (Training App);
  • to facilitate collation, sharing and reporting of data (MetaData Sync); and
  • to facilitate import of data from excel sheets (Bulk Load).



Partner contributions

The following institutions have contributed to the development of the DHIS2 modules and of their implementation support tools:

  • Population Services International (PSI) has contributed metadata to support countries to collect data during ITN mass distribution campaigns at both aggregate and household levels and is supporting countries to implement the ITN campaign tools.
  • The US President’s Malaria Initiative VectorLink Project has contributed metadata to support countries to collect data during IRS campaigns and is collaborating on refinements to the entomology module building on their PMO VectorLink project DHIS2 database.  
  • The Clinton Health Initiative (CHAI) is supporting countries to implement the DHIS2 standard modules and contributing to improvement in module structure and implementation support tools. 

WHO seeks further collaboration from other institutions and welcomes their contributions with a view to further evolve these modules, strengthen implementation support provided to WHO Member States and harmonize existing data collection tools. Interested institutions should write an email to [email protected]

Tracking the use of DHIS2 for entomological and vector control data worldwide

To facilitate collaboration and coordination between partners and optimize support to countries, WHO is tracking the overall use of DHIS2 for the collection of entomological and vector control data in countries through the map below.

Note that information for some countries is still missing.