EMT Global classified teams
# | Year | Region | Country | GOV/ NGO | Name | EMT type |
1 | 2016 | EURO | Russian Federation | GOV | All Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine (Zaschita) | Type 2 |
2 | 2016 | EURO | Russian Federation | GOV | Central Airmobile Rescue Team of EMERCOM | Type 2 |
3 | 2016 | WPRO | Japan | GOV | Japan Disaster Relief Team JDRT (JICA) | Type 2; Type 1 Fixed and Mobile; Specialized Care (Surgical and Hemodialysis) |
4 | 2016 | WPRO | China | GOV | Shanghai East Hospital | Type 2 |
5 | 2016 | EURO | Israel | GOV | Israel Defense Force | Type 3 |
6 | 2016 | EURO | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | GOV | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland EMT | Type 2 |
7 | 2016 | WPRO | Australia | GOV | AUSMAT (NCCTRC) | Type 2 |
8 | 2017 | WPRO | China | GOV | Guangdong Hospital | Type 2 |
9 | 2017 | AMRO | Costa Rica | GOV | CCSS - Caja Costarricense Seguro Social | Type 1 Fixed |
10 | 2017 | EURO | Germany | NGO | Johanniter | Type 1 Mobile |
11 | 2017 | EURO | Germany | NGO | ASB - Arbeiter Samariter-Bund | Type 1 Fixed |
12 | 2017 | WPRO | New Zealand | GOV | New Zealand Medical Assistance Team (NZMAT) | Type 1 Fixed and Mobile |
13 | 2018 | WPRO | Australia | NGO | Aspen Medical | Specialized Care (Surgical and Outbreak) |
14 | 2018 | WPRO | China | GOV | Sichuan | Type 3 |
15 | 2018 | AMRO | Ecuador | GOV | Ministerio Salud Pública Ecuador | Type 2 (2); Specialized Care (Surgical) |
16 | 2018 | EURO | Germany | NGO | Humedica International | Type 1 Fixed |
17 | 2018 | EURO | Germany | NGO | ISAR - Germany | Type 1 Fixed |
18 | 2018 | EURO | Germany | NGO | Malteser | Type 1 Fixed |
19 | 2018 | EURO | Italy | GOV | EMT Regione Piemonte | Type 2 |
20 | 2018 | EURO | Norway | GOV | Norwegian EMT | Type 1 Fixed and Mobile |
21 | 2018 | EURO | Spain | GOV | START - AECID | Type 2 |
22 | 2018 | AMRO | United States of America | NGO | Team Rubicon | Type 1 Mobile |
23 | 2019 | WPRO | China | GOV | Macao Health Bureau | Type 1 Fixed |
24 | 2019 | WPRO | Fiji | GOV | FEMAT | Type 1 Fixed |
25 | 2019 | EURO | Portugal | GOV | INEM | Type 1 Fixed |
26 | 2019 | WPRO | China | GOV | Tianjin | Type 2 |
27 | 2019 | EURO | Poland | NGO | PCPM | Type 1 Fixed |
28 | 2019 | AMRO | Barbados | GOV | Barbados Defense Force BDF | Type 1 Fixed |
29 | 2019 | SEARO | Thailand | GOV | Thailand EMT | Type 1 Fixed |
30 | 2020 | EURO | Turkey | GOV | UMKE | Type 2 |
31 | 2021 | AMRO | United States of America | NGO | International Medical Corps | Type 1 Fixed and Mobile |
32 | 2021 | EURO | Switzerland | GOV | Swiss Humanitarian Aid | Specialized care (RMNCH) |
33 | 2022 | EURO | France | GOV | ESCRIM | Type 2 |
34 | 2022 | EURO | France | NGO | SSF | Type 1 Mobile |
35 | 2022 | WPRO | Republic of Korea | GOV | Korea Disaster Relief | Team Type 1 |
36 | 2022 | EURO | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | NGO | UK-MED | Type 1 Fixed |
37 | 2022 | AMRO | United States of America | NGO | Americares | Type 1 Fixed |
EMT Classification
Operating in complex settings brings challenges, which require flexibility and adaptability.
EMTs can be deployed as whole (standardized) or separate (modularized) entities to support specific surge requirements based on identified needs and gaps in capacity and capability.
EMTs can be divided into four different types based on their mobility and level of care provided. The graphic below shows the trade-off between mobility and the level of care that characterizes each of the EMT types.
Type 1 Mobile | Provides daylight hours care for stabilization of acute trauma and non- trauma presentations, referrals for further investigation or inpatient care and community-based primary care with the ability to work in multiple locations over the period of a deployment. |
Type 1 Fixed | Provides daylight hours care for acute trauma and non-trauma presentations, referrals, and for ongoing investigation or care and community-based primary care in an outpatient fixed facility. |
Type 2 Inpatient surgical emergency care | Provides Type 1 services plus general and obstetric surgery for trauma and other major conditions as well as inpatient acute care. |
Type 3 Inpatient referral care | Provides Type 2 services plus complex referral and intensive care capacity. |
Specialized care teams | Additional specialized care teams that can be embedded in local health-care facilities or Type 2 or Type 3 unless specified otherwise, which can provide the following services: outbreak, surgical, rehabilitation, mental health, reproductive and newborn care, interdisciplinary, interhospital and technical support. |