The Association of Former WHO Staff (AFSM) provides an information and support network to former WHO staff worldwide.
The Association’s 4 main objectives are:
- Information - Keeps former staff up-to-date with news and important developments related to pensions, health insurance and other matters of interest. Located at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, AFSM has ready access to other
international associations of former UN staff, WHO Staff Health Insurance and the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund Geneva Office.
- Solidarity and assistance – Offers assistance and advice to individual staff members who may need support on such matters as health insurance claims.
- Collective voice - Promotes the interests of members through their collective voice, with particular attention to pensions and health insurance.
- Friendship - Organizes social and cultural activities, including an annual reception, to promote contacts and help develop and continue friendships among former colleagues. Since WHO former staff lead an active life travelling, writing,
teaching, learning new things, and spending time with family and friends, we also try to provide useful information and contacts to enhance and enliven these activities.
AFSM is organized by an Executive Committee of 12 members (and past Presidents) who serve for a term of two years. Members are welcome to be candidates for election. All members can vote in the elections held every second year.
- Composition of the AFSM Committee 2023-2024
The AFSM General Assembly is convened in alternate years, normally in October. The Executive Committee reports on activities and important issues. Members can provide suggestions and vote on issues.
- AFSM General Assembly - Report of the President - October 2021