The Global Health Observatory
Explore a world of health data
Every data view has a set of download links just above the data table. Each link provides exactly the same data but in a different format - select the download format most appropriate for your use.
If you wish to load a data table into Excel and preserve its display structure, simply drag and drop the table from your browser into your Excel worksheet. Note that this feature requires a modern HTML5 compliant browser. If your browser does not support this function, install the latest version.
It is generally not advised to attempt to download the entire Global Health Observatory database. The content of the database is quite broad so downloading the entire collection will only give you data you mostly don't need for your specific purposes. In addition, we are constantly updating the database with new information - in order to ensure that you have the latest data, you should download content when you need it.
We are constantly expanding and refining the functions and services of the Global Health Observatory. If you would like to be able to download data in a standard or common format that is not currently offered by the GHO, please contact us at [email protected] and tell us which format you would like to see available. We cant promise to implement every requested format, but we can use these requests to prioritize new ones.
The Global Health Observatory is built on top of a RESTful web service. The API is described in the GHO's Resources menu, along with a set of examples illustrating common usage scenarios.
If you have a question concerning the content, functions, or usage of the Global Health Observatory, please contact us at gho_info @