Information on Policy Directive on Protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (SEA)

As part of WHO’s intensified efforts to strengthen the Organization’s work on the prevention of and response to sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment, the Task Team on Prevention and Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PRSEAH) is currently reviewing WHO’s existing policies with the aim to develop a revised and comprehensive policy framework. While that work is under way, ad interim, this Policy Directive on Protection from SEA clarifies our policy, reiterates our existing standards, aligned with the United Nations Secretary-General’s Bulletin on “Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse”, and ensures alignment with the requirements under the Harmonized Donor clause on SEA/SH that WHO has adopted for all WHO funding agreements. To this end the WHO Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Prevention and Response (2017 PSEA Policy) has been placed in abeyance.
WHO Information note: 23/2021 Information on Policy Directive on Protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (SEA) was replaced by the WHO Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct, which entered into force on 8 March 2023.