Public health advice for sex workers on monkeypox

An outbreak of monkeypox, a viral infectious disease, is currently being reported in countries where the disease had not been found before. The risk of monkeypox is not limited to any one community or any one place. Anyone who has close contact with someone who is infectious is at risk.
Outbreaks of monkeypox in newly affected countries have mostly been identified in communities of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men who have had recent sexual contact with a new partner or partners. Communities of trans and gender diverse people linked to the same sexual networks have also been affected.
We know that this outbreak is concerning, especially for people who are unwell, their partners, families and communities, and for people whose work require close contact with others, including sex workers. Many sex workers will struggle financially if they are unable to work either by avoiding close contact with clients who have monkeypox or while isolating because they have suspected or confirmed monkeypox. This issue is likely to be particularly acute where these is no social protection or financial support available from their governments in their setting.
Some sex worker-led organizations established mutual aid schemes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Similar schemes may be possible in your country if organizations are beginning to develop emergency response funds for emerging health crises that prevent sex workers from earning an income. Identifying, establishing and raising awareness about these schemes is essential to create an environment in which sex workers can protect themselves and others from transmission.