Regional Consultation on Indicators for Monitoring Traditional and Complementary Medicine System Performance for the WHO South-East Asia Region
TRM/HSD/SEARO Meeting Report
30 May 2022
| Technical document

To support countries’ efforts to monitor their TRM system performance, WHO SEARO updated and expanded the TRM indicator set into a monitoring framework. This framework identifies health systems inputs (governance, financing, infrastructure, health workforce, TRM products and resources, information, and research) critical for ensuring that
TRM services are available, are of quality and are safe. The framework also includes metrics for measuring TRM service utilization and coverage as well as patient satisfaction with TRM services and outcomes. Additionally, WHO SEARO developed other monitoring tools to improve country indicator data reporting and access. A DHIS2-based data collection tool and database have been developed and a set of country TRM dashboards have been designed to improve data accessibility and aid decision-making.
WHO Team
WHO South-East Asia
Number of pages
Reference numbers
WHO Reference Number: SEA-Trad.Medicine-92