Regional Technical Consultation (RTC) on Monitoring quality health indicators and achievements in health status at the national and subnational levels
9-11 November 2022, Kathmandu, Nepal

The South-East Asia Region (SEAR) Member States have shown strong commitment and made some progress in achieving Universal health coverage (UHC), the health and health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), WHO GPW’13 triple billion targets and regional flagship programme. Monitoring progress towards these global, regional, and national health priorities has become an integral part of a countries’ monitoring and evaluation frameworks and health information system (HIS) platforms. These actions are reflected in all components of the national HIS particularly, in target setting and integrating indicators into national monitoring and evaluation platform. A face-to-face RTC was held in Kathmandu, Nepal for the first time since 2019. The three-day technical consultation provided guidance and aimed to renew efforts in strengthening national capacity in monitoring quality health indicators to support evidence-based policies and improve measurement and accountability towards achieving UHC, the health and health-related SDGs, triple billion targets and regional flagship programme. The RTC provided guidance on issues around HIS strengthening such as improving data quality, increasing data use, and strengthening civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS).