Successful implementation of IHR (2005) in the South-East Asia region needs continuous capacity building of the NFPs, such as their learning from peers and being updated from other regions and global developments. Hence, this regional workshop of IHR NFPs is being organized to stimulate discussion, develop, promote and consolidate a community of practice for IHR NFPs through:
- peer-to-peer sharing and enhancing knowledge among IHR NFPs through the orientation of an IHR Knowledge Network;
- reviewing the progress on IHR Monitoring and Evaluation;
- identifying gaps, strengths and best practices for a Regional Risk Communication Strategy in an evolving and increasingly connected society;
- supporting the development of National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS); and
- reviewing progress on Implementation of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (which is aligned to IHR components)
This Regional Workshop in New Delhi will bring IHR National Focal Points, WHE Focal Persons and other partners together for cross-fertilization of thoughts and linkages between IHR M&E Framework, PIP Framework and Risk Communication for evolving an innovative Knowledge Network for effective and efficient implementation of IHR (2005) and National Action Plans for Health Security in the Region.
General Objective:
Facilitate the ongoing capacity strengthening of the IHR National Focal Points through development of their Community of Practice.
Specific Objectives:
- Identify the capacity building needs and orient the IHR NFPs about a Knowledge Network;
- Agree on a roadmap for risk communications, based on identified gaps and evidence and best practices;
- Develop an agreed plan of action with timeline for implementation of IHR M&E Framework in the regional context and; support development and finalization of National Action Plans for Health Security at Country-level;
- Strengthen PIP national implementation plans and enhance understanding of PIP procedures and processes.
Expected Outcomes:
- Draft ‘Regional 5-Year Plan on IHR Implementation (2019-2023)’
- Draft ‘Regional Risk Communication Strategy (2019-2023)’
- Way forward for implementation of Knowledge Network of IHR NFPs in the South-East Asia Region
- Agreed time-frame for development of National Action Plans for Health Security in the Region.