Training of GLASS-AMC national focal points on Antimicrobial Consumption Monitoring
New Delhi, India, 19–22 September 2022

Most countries in the South-East Asia Region are in the initial phase of developing their national AMC monitoring system and WHO has developed standard methodologies for regular monitoring of antimicrobial consumption (AMC) in humans.
WHO conducted a training workshop on Antimicrobial Consumption (AMC) monitoring to national focal points in New Delhi, India, from 19-22 September 2022. The training covered in-depth the WHO AMC monitoring methodology and surveillance. Hands-on exercises and group-work were designed to build competencies for supporting AMC surveillance systems in line with WHO’s methodology.
The training was designed to cover a variety of concepts and skills over a period of four days, from an introduction to AMC monitoring to analysis and interpretation of national AMC data. A total of 22 national participants from the eight Member States and two National Professional Officers (NPOs) from Myanmar participated in the training. The training consisted mostly of presentations and hands-on exercises.