WHO’s response to the Ukraine crisis: annual report, 2022


The war in Ukraine, which erupted on February 24, 2022, continues to cause intense suffering to its people and serious damage to the country’s infrastructure. WHO’s response is to ensure health and wellbeing for all affected by the war, wherever they are, whether in the Ukraine or in refugee-receiving countries, by providing time-critical, life-saving assistance, non-discriminatory access to emergency and essential health services and priority prevention programmes, as well as supporting and strengthening health systems to cope and recover from this crisis.

This report presents what WHO achieved in the 2022 and demonstrates how WHO and health partners have minimized disruptions to the delivery of critical healthcare services within Ukraine and in countries​ hosting refugees. 


WHO Team
WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE)
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.
Number of pages
Reference numbers
WHO Reference Number: WHO/EURO:2023-5897-45662-68308