Monitoring health-related SDGs (HRSDGs) requires functioning data systems in each country, including household and other-population-based surveys, surveillance systems, regular harmonized health facility assessments and administrative data, civil registration and vital statistics, and other sources that may be outside of the health sector. Household surveys are an indispensable component of comprehensive health data and surveillance systems.
Household surveys are the source of 80 of the 232 SDG indicators. Narrowing the scope to focus on the Health-Related SDGs still spans 12 of the 17 goals, and includes 33 targets and 59 indicators pertaining to health outcomes, health services, and well-established environmental, occupational, behavioural, and metabolic risks. The preferred data source for 29 of these Health-Related SDG targets is nationally representative household surveys.
For approximately one-third of countries there is no recent primary or underlying data on more than half of the health-related SDG indicators. Due to the lack of standardization and coordination in data collection, there is also an excessive reporting burden on countries, and challenges in data comparability across or within countries over time. Household and population surveys can be implemented rapidly to collect representative data on important health, social, economic and policy topics.