Voluntary contributions come from Member States (in addition to their assessed contribution) or from other partners. In recent years, voluntary contributions have accounted for more than three quarters of the Organization’s financing.
Voluntary contributions (VC) are further categorized based on the degree of flexibility WHO has in deciding how to spend these funds:
Core voluntary contributions (CVC)
Core voluntary contributions are fully unconditional (flexible), meaning WHO has full discretion on how these funds should be used to fund the programmatic work of the Organization. These represent 4.1% of all voluntary contributions. WHO thanks all contributors to this account.
Thematic and strategic engagement funds
Thematic and strategic engagement funds (partially flexible) aim to meet contributors’ requirements for reporting and accountability while providing a certain degree of flexibility in their allocation. These funds provide more effective
and efficient earmarked funding by helping to promote WHO’s stronger focus on results, while delivering on our contributors’ priorities. These represent 7.9% of all voluntary contributions in 2020-2021.
The list of thematic funders keeps growing. Thanks to our pioneers key “thematic funders” Germany, the European Commission and Japan,
and others who have joined them since. WHO received US$ 550 million in thematic funds in 2020-2021, up 48% from the previous biennium. These funds give a degree of flexibility that allows WHO to be more effective and efficient in allocating
funds, to focus on results for our joint priorities.
Thematic Funding, The WHO Portal Budget
Specified voluntary contributions
Specified voluntary contributions represent 88% of all voluntary contributions. They are tightly earmarked to specific programmatic areas and/or geographical locations and must be spent within a specified timeframe.